Professional Services
Ridge Park provides an integrated and highly specialised suite of professional services geared to enabling our Clients achieve best value from their security contractors, delivering the most appropriate security measures aligned to business objectives. Ridge Park are engaged to support all stages of a security contract life cycle, from tender and bid evaluation through to contract implementation and ongoing contract compliance management. This ensures that service delivery, best value and change management are monitored, maintained and provided throughout the lifecycle of the contract.
A robust process of procurement ensures that a contract for services has the very best start possible. Ridge Park can be engaged at any stage of the procurement process.
However, the optimum point to engage our services is as a contract approaches renewal and the decision has been made to engage upon a fresh procurement process.
Ridge Park can assist Clients’ procurement teams by providing specialist security industry expertise. Focusing on the preparation and content of your tender documentation, we can review security requirements to ensure that the security specification meets your organisation`s risk profile and is aligned to your security policy, strategy and security objectives. Additional support includes the writing of relevant Pre-Qualifying Questions (PQQ) and Invitation to Tender (ITT) documents to achieve a clear picture of a Bidder’s capability and their appetite to deliver the contracted services.
Ridge Park can support the evaluation of bids by providing specialist analysis of Bidders’ proposed security solutions and their costings against tender requirements. Our detailed review can highlight key differences between bids, omissions and over specification, whilst assessing Bidders’ proposed staffing levels, training, compliance, staff management and key technologies.
Following agreement to renew with an existing Service Provider, or selection of a preferred Bidder in the case of fresh procurement, Ridge Park contracting specialists can support the negotiation and fine tuning of the service specification such that “tender offerings” are incorporated into the Contract.
Managing the exit of an incumbent to ensure continuity of service and the appropriate handover of Assignment / Site instructions etc, is a crucial stage of the change management process which can be difficult to navigate by those that have been close to a contract for many years. When supported by a robust exit plan and independent support, it is Ridge Park`s experience that even the most acrimonious relationship between service provider and client can be brokered enabling a contract to achieve a professional conclusion.
Ridge Park believe it is essential that a new Security Contract incorporates a structured mobilisation period with contractual obligations placed upon the new provider prior to the commencement of service delivery. to ensure a seamless handover.
Ridge Park have demonstrated to a range of existing clients, that a robust and direct approach to ensuring this period is well managed, provides strong foundations for a well briefed, motivated and professional personnel deployed in the role of business and asset security.
The transition period that takes a security contract from previous incumbent to preferred service provider is an initial period where the promises made at tender, captured and agreed in contract, start to materialise into added value, efficiencies and industry best practice……………….. or does it?
Ridge Park`s robust approach to this transition period will have started at the very beginning of the Procurement process, at market warming, where a client`s expectations have been clearly articulated, followed by carefully worded questions to tease out a service providers proposed approach and then encapsulated within an appropriate Mobilisation schedule within the contract that clearly identifies requirements by milestone and agreed deliverables.
By engaging both client and service provider to work in a collaborative manner, supported by an independent industry expert, all the previously identified requirements can be aligned to the promised levels of delivery, such that the required open, transparent, fair and reasonable working relationship can be established at the earliest opportunity.
Ridge Park have proven exit, mobilisation and transition contractual clauses that enable robust security solutions.
Security contracts typically contain boilerplate clauses, a service specification and service level agreements. Together with a Bidder’s tender, this makes for a seemingly workable security solution, but once awarded, who manages the contract, and how?
Ridge Park deliver a bespoke Contract Compliance Management approach based on a comprehensive understanding of Clients’ service specifications, supported by a robust programme of regular and consistent assessment of the Services Provider performance. Scrutiny of the Service Provider’s management information, reports and returns provide ongoing appraisal of service delivery against the contracted service levels, delivering timely warning of any service failures.
Please contact us to discuss the specifics of this unique approach and how this can be tailored to assist you in achieving true contract compliance for your organisation.
Ridge Park enables Clients to introduce independent governance of the Service Provider`s activity. This approach removes the possibility of contractual terms being eroded through unrecorded changes, verbal agreements made in haste, and undelivered promises during periods of transition.
The independent approach provides a quantifiable benefit to those who report to public bodies or senior management teams, accounting for security expenditure and demonstrating best value.
Please contact us to explore further the benefits of independent governance for your business.
Possibly the most beneficial aspect of continual improvement, change management and targeted best value delivery is the bespoke audit and lessons learnt process. Ridge Park ensure that all of our systematic reviews or assessments are relevant to the contract management process and are openly discussed and clearly defined to our Clients at the start of our engagement.
From the initial review of a Client`s existing security contract and the incumbent`s original tender to the understanding of a Client’s risk appetite and specific threats applicable to their organisation, we undertake all audit activity with a level of detailed preparation and presentation of documentation appropriate for potential legal scrutiny.
Sections of our process have been likened to an investigative style audit and together with an experienced insight in respect of knowing where to look, we believe that our review process identifies discrepancies and where applicable demonstrates excellence in compliance.
Many organisations invest a significant annual spend in ensuring the security of their people, premises and commercial assets. Regular security reviews and updating security strategies are key to ensuring contracted services remain relevant and deliver best value.
Ridge Park’s specialist security team with backgrounds spanning counter terrorism, policing, security company management, risk advice and maritime security expertise, deliver a range of security consultancy projects, including:
- writing security policies, strategies, objectives and KPI documentation
- undertaking Operational Requirement reviews
- designing Security Operational Models
- re-engineering” security solutions
Pease contact us for further details relating to our security consultancy service
Ridge Park are now able to provide a comprehensive programme that supports clients to achieve accredited certification of compliance in their CCTV operation and management
This certification programme is aligned to the Biometric and Surveillance Camera Commissioners (BSCC) Code of Practice and BS 7958: 2015 Management and Operation of CCTV
It is apparent that many organisations have invested significantly in CCTV technology, incorporating sophisticated hardware and software platforms to protect a wide range of communities and assets, where the pressing need for such surveillance has been appropriately balanced with consideration of public privacy but falls short when challenged in respect of stakeholder consultation / Data Privacy Impact Assessments (DPIA) and Data Subject Access request (DSAR) protocols.
The Protection of Freedoms Act 2012 identifies that “a relevant authority must have regard to the surveillance camera code of practice” with the BSCC CoP certification scheme providing the vehicle for demonstration of compliance, however the publicised list of certificated bodies suggests that many may not be as compliant as the Act requires.
Ridge Park have worked with a number of organisations to support their application for certification, both as a “relevant authority” and through a voluntary approach to satisfy their own ethical policies and demonstrate to those who live work and visit their public spaces that the balance of public privacy has been considered, acted upon and underpins their CCTV strategy.
Housing Associations, Universities, Schools, Health Authorities, Local Authorities, Property Managers, Retail Outlets, Media Studios, Arena and Event spaces, Sporting Stadia etc. where investment has been made in CCTV technology should all consider demonstrating their approach to maintaining the balance between “pressing need” and “public privacy” through either regulatory or voluntary certification.
Contact Ridge Park to discuss how perhaps we could support that journey.
Security contracts are typically complex, long term and high value.
Clients have a right to receive the service they have contracted for at the price they have agreed.
Service Providers have an obligation to make their return without circumventing the contract.
Ridge Park makes these things happen.

Company No: 11382739
Blue Tower
Media City UK
M50 2ST