What is Ridge Park’s vision for bringing about change in the procurement of outsourced security?
Ridge Park`s vision for the procurement of outsourced security is a security contract that clearly identifies a Client`s requirements, provides appropriate service specifications and facilitates an “open book” accounting process with a clear invoice reconciliation process.
The change in procurement will be the early engagement of security Industry experts, working specifically for the Client to design a service contract that is reasonable and fair towards both parties but ensures that there is no gap between value promised and value delivered.
Why should I pay Ridge Park to manage my security contract when I have managers within my business that can do this?
Do you use a software platform to manage the contract?
Ridge Park recognises a range of software platforms which can provide contract management efficiencies.
We are able to adopt a Client’s existing contract management software platform, or where helpful, we can work with our specialist contract management software partner to provide a bespoke software platform ensuring contract obligations and management provisions are readily accessible and contract management programmes which reflects the nuances that exist in Clients’ businesses and their security requirements.
Why should we use Ridge Park rather than one of the big firms such as Deloitte?
Ridge Park and our existing Clients believe that we deliver a unique approach to Contract Management that builds on indepth security and contracting expertise to provide workable solutions which can be realistically implemented to deliver greater value to those who entrust the management of their security contracts to us.
How do Ridge Park quantify ‘Value’ when you say you can add value to our security contract?
It is the experience of Ridge Park and our Clients, that in many cases, “value for money” is only achieved when a Service Provider actually delivers the service required at the price quoted. Ridge Park are able to initially identify the areas where this is not the case, for example, training / staff motivation / risk management / delivery of HR standards and then manage a contract such that the required elements are maintained.
“Value” is therefore quantified by demonstrating the gap (or otherwise) between what is being paid for and what is being delivered.
How would Ridge Park gain traction with the contractor when managing the contract on our behalf?
Ridge Park proactively engage with a Service Provider from the outset, encouraging open discussion to ensure contract management objectives, methodology and principles are clearly understood, in line with the agreed contract and the Client’s required outcomes. Ridge Park`s detailed review of the contract, KPI`s, Assignment Instructions, invoice processes and training programmes provide a greater understanding of the service delivery from which an informed stance can be taken with the Service provider. Coupled with a detailed understanding of a Client`s business strategy, requirements and risk appetite, Ridge Park are well placed to provide beneficial guidance to Service Providers to drive the contract management process. Examples of this include “social value” initiatives, dashboards presenting appropriate management information, relevant training programmes, community engagement, motivational projects and staff awareness platforms.
The term unique industry expertise and experience is used by Ridge Park how can you convince me that you are up to date and your claim is credible?
Ridge Park’s claim to deliver unique expertise is based on the collective experience of the team, as reflected in the Directors’ profiles and their ongoing commitment as members of the British Standards Institution, the Institute of Risk Management, the International Association of Contract and Commercial Procurement and the Institute of Change Management. Most significantly, this expertise has been recognised by existing Clients, who have provided testament to our ability to successfully challenge Service Providers who in turn respect our ability to highlight the latest best practice and recommend pragmatic changes to improve service delivery.
I have a good working relationship with my contractor how would Ridge Park maintain this?
It has been our experience that where transparency and open communication exists, a more robust relationship will follow and to this end, Ridge Park guide our Clients to perhaps address matters previously unrecognised.
Can you guarantee making savings for me?
Ridge Park can not guarantee financial savings at the outset of an engagement. Ridge Park will however identify any discrepancies that may reflect a “value gap” between what should be delivered and what is being delivered and then support both a Client and the Service Provider to bridge that gap, with the resultant efficiency and achievement of value for money.
Security contracts are typically complex, long term and high value.
Clients have a right to receive the service they have contracted for at the price they have agreed.
Service Providers have an obligation to make their return without circumventing the contract.
Ridge Park makes these things happen.

Company No: 11382739
Blue Tower
Media City UK
M50 2ST